Ondrej Huk on LinkedIn

Freelance web designer & developer
ready to help you build your next project.

I'm based in Prague, Czechia and I work worldwide.
I speak Czech, English, Spanish, HTML.

I build my first website in 2003.

This website is under construction and always will be.
I focus on my clients and their needs. But I like to share some of my work with you.

!'m available for hire.

!'m working on

There is a place for your next project


website for dancer and artist

wordpress less

Your next project

wordpress? web design? online shop? migration?


web for me as a traveling photographer

next.js tailwind less vanilla js framer motion

Czech TH!S

is th!s website

graphic design UX/UI tailwind less

What !s done 2024

already I worked this year on

Freelance Accountant J. Sevcik

website from scratch withtout WordPress

Graphic desing tailwind less vanilla js GSAP animations

Born Digital

migration from HTML to Wordpress

wordpress less jQuery template from scratch

Health Detox

webmaster services

shoptet Illustrator Photoshop


webmaster services

content management

What !'m proud of

Be a freelancer from 2012

3 years working for LMC (now Alma Career)

5 years working for B Media Solutions with clients as BOHEMIA SEKT, BEST, Horse Feathers

Cooperating with agencies and graphic designers Sklep5, Grupo Blitz, Woop, Amadeus, E-solutions, Studio 3, etc.


I'm diving in Alpine.js
I'm diving in Typescript
Having fun with GSAP
I'm exploring Next.js


9. 5. 2024 - Starting work for Visualio as a frontend developer.

8. 5. 2024 - I'm diving in Alpine.js and making simple To do app with tailwind and daisyUI.

2024 is fresh start for me after 3 years working mostly for LMC (Alma Career).

21. 4. 2024 - Launching this new website.

As Paul Newman used to say:
A!! right,
a!! right,
a!! right...

A!! rights reserved ©
Ondrej Huk